1. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: HAVAR. Interaktivní programový systém pro ocenění radiační zátěže obyvatelstva při havarijních únicích radionuklidů z jaderných zařízení do atmosféry. Část 1: Metodika. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2000. |
2. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: Programový systém NORMAL pro ocenění radiační zátěže obyvatelstva v okolí jaderných zařízení při normálním provozu. Metodika. Uživatelský manuál. Srovnávací studie kódů NORMAL a PC CREAM. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999. Download |
1. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: Adaptace programového vybavení pro hodnocení radiologických důsledků mimořádných úniků radionuklidů ze skladů vyhořelého jaderného paliva. XL. Dny radiační ochrany - sborník abstraktů. ČVUT - Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská, Praha 2018. Download |
2. * Petr Pecha, Ondřej Tichý: Simulace možného výskytu horkých míst při únicích radioaktivity při neobvyklých\npovětrnostních epizodách. XL. Dny radiační ochrany - sborník abstraktů. ČVUT - Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská, Praha 2018. Download |
3. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: Pitfalls Associated with the Estimation of Radiological Burdens on Population Caused by Radiation Accidents. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 48, Issue 1, 222-227. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2015. Download |
4. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl, Petr Pecha: Evaluation of Detection Abilities of Monitoring Networks Using Different Assessment Criteria. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes - HARMO15. HARMO, Madrid 2013. Download |
5. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha: Development of web-based environment for atmospheric dispersion modeling. International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis. American Nuclear Society, La Garde Park, Illinois, USA 2013. Download |
6. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová, Radek Hofman: Variabilita a neurčitosti při odhadech ingesčních dávek. XXXIV. Dny radiační ochrany, 40-40. FJFI ČVUT, Třeboň 2012. Download |
7. * P. Kuča, Z. Prouza, I. Češpírová, B. Marešová, Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Modelování dopadů hypotetického úniku radionuklidů z jaderného zařízení aplikacemi ESTE a HARP. XXXIV. Dny radiační ochrany, 44-44. FJFI ČVUT, Třeboň 2012. Download |
8. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha: Webové prostředí pro atmosférické disperzní modelování. XXXIV. Dny radiační ochrany, 47-47. FJFI ČVUT, Třeboň 2012. Download |
9. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl, Petr Pecha: Development of Real-Time Bayesian Data Assimilation System for Off-Site Consequence Assessment. 12th International Conference on Radiation Shielding & Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society, 37-37. Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Nara 2012. Download |
10. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, E. Pechová: Software tool for assessmentof food contamination and food bans regulations. FOODSIM 2012: Simulation and modelling in the food and bio- industry, 1-5. EUROSIS-ETI Publication; Fraunhofer IVV, Freising, Freising, Germany 2012. Download |
11. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Construction of Observational Operator for Cloudshine Dose from Radioactive Cloud Drifting over the Terrain. Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conf. on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 732-736. ETL , University of Macedonie, Macedonia 2011. Download |
12. * Petr Pecha, P. Kuča: Nesting of Data Assimilation Cycles into the Recursive Model Predictions. PETrA 2011 (Pollution and Environment - Treatment of Air), 1-7. Odour, Ltd., Praha 2011. Download |
13. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha: Application of regional environmental code HARP in the field of off-site consequence assessment. International Topical Meeting on Probability Safety Assessment and Analysis, 1-12. American Nuclear Society, Wilmington 2011. Download |
14. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl: Simulation of Random 3-D Trajectories of the Toxic Plume Spreading over the Terrain. 5th WMO Symposium on Data Assimilation. Australian Government, Buerau of Meteorology, Melbourne 2009. Download |
15. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, P. Kuča: Lessons learned from former radiation accidents on development of software tools for effective decision making support. Present and future of crisis management - 2009. T-SOFT a.s, Praha 2009. Download |
16. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, P. Kuča, K. Zemánková: Models of aerial radioactive discharges - in a half-way to reality. XXXI. dny radiační ochrany, 73-73. ČVUT v Praze, Praha, 2009 2009. Download |
17. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl, Petr Pecha: Data assimilation in early phase of radiation accident using particle filter. The Fifth WMO International Symposium on Data Assimilation, 1-8. Australian Government - Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne 2009. Download |
18. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl: Bayesian tracking of the toxic plume spreading in the early stage of radiation accident. ESM'2009 The 2009 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Modelling and Simulation '2009, 381-387. EUROSIS - ETI, Leicester 2009. Download |
19. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: HARP - A Software Tool for Decision Support during Nuclear Emergenccies. TIES 2009 - the 20th Annual Conference of International Environmetrics Society, 81-82. University og Bologna, Bologna 2009. Download |
20. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, P. Kuča: Illustration of probabilistic approach in consequence assessment of accidental radioactive releases. Dny radiační ochrany /30/, 207-211. ČVUT, Praha 2008. Download |
21. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha: Data Assimilation of Model Predictions of Long-Time Evolution of CS-137 Deposition on Terrain. Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium 2008, 1-4. IEEE, Boston 2008. Download |
22. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Fitting of segmented Gaussian plume model predictions on measured data. Proceedings of 22th European Simulation and Modelling Conference ESM'2008, 544-548. Eurosis, LeHavre 2008. Download |
23. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: A simplified approach for solution of time update problem during toxic waste spreading in the atmosphere. Hrvatski Meteorološki Časopis, 510-515. Hrvatsko meteorološko društvo, Zagreb 2008. Download |
24. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, P. Kuča: Assimilation techniques in consequence assessment of accidental radioactivity releases - the way for increase of reliability of predictions. Proceedings of ECORAD-2008, 138-141. Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Osteras 2008. |
25. * Petr Pecha: Numerical scheme for daughter products built-up during accidental radioactivity releases. Dny radiační ochrany, 200-204. ČVUT, Praha 2007. |
26. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Integration of data assimilation subsystem into environmental model of harmful substances propagation. International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling /11./, 111-115. Cambridge Environment Research Institut, Cambridge 2007. Download |
27. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, E. Pechová: Training simulator for analysis of environmental consequences of accidental radioactivity releases. Proc. of the 6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 402-402. University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2007. Download |
28. * Petr Pecha, R. Hofman: Techniky empirické a statistické interpolace pro korekci modelů šíření znečistění. XXVIII. Dny radiační ochrany, 213-218. ČVUT, FJFI, Praha, Praha 2006. |
29. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: Modelling of random activity concentration fields in air for purposes of probabilistic estimation of radiological burden of population. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 540-544. University of Ioannina, Ioanina 2005. |
30. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: Risk Assessment of Radionuclide Releases during Extreme Low-Wind Atmospheric Conditions. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 320-324. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Karlsruhe 2004. |
31. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: Application of multi-pathway transport model for regulation of normal atmospheric radioactive discharges from nuclear facilities. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 444-450. NIMH, Sofia 2002. Download |
32. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: Application of the COSYMA code for comparative analysis of a certain accidental releases of radioactivity. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference IMUG2002, 5-15. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton 2002. Download |
33. * E. Pechová, Petr Pecha: Modelování depozice aktivity pro normální výpusti a havarijní úniky z jaderných zařízení. Radionuklidy a inizující záření ve vodním hospodářství. Sborník, 14-20. VÚV TGM, Praha 2001. |
34. * Petr Pecha: Hydrologické modely evropského programového systému RODOS. Radionuklidy a inizující záření ve vodním hospodářství. Sborník, 1-7. VÚV TGM, Praha 2001. |
35. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: Preparation of radiological inputs for environmental impact assessment of routine normal operation of nuclear facilities. Proceedings of the International Congress ECORAD 2001, 1-6. IPSN France, AixenProvence 2001. Download |
36. * Petr Pecha, P. Kuča, E. Pechová: Sensitivity study of influence of input parameters variations for removal processes calculations on activity depletion in the radioactive plume and deposition on the ground. Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes. Proceedings, 489-493. EC JRCEI, Ispra 2001. Download |
37. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: A dynamic food-chain algorithm for estimation of migration of radionuclides through living enviroment continuously influenced by the routine atmospheric discharges from nuclear power plants. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Environmental Impact Assessment. CTU, Prague 2000. Download |
38. * E. Pechová, Petr Pecha: Assessment of radiological impact of routine and accidental atmospheric releases of radionuclides to the living environment. International Meeting on Nuclear Research and Design Activities. Proceedings. Energoprojekt, Varna 2000. |
39. * Petr Pecha, Petr Nedoma, E. Pechová: Modelling of radionuclides transport due to atmospheric releases used in the various stages of nuclear power plant design. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes. Université de Rouen, Rouen 1999. Download |
40. * Petr Pecha, Petr Nedoma, Miroslav Kárný: RODOS project. Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, 239-242. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1998. |
41. * E. Pechová, Petr Pecha, Petr Nedoma: Application of PC-COSYMA code such a verification tool used in stage of NPP design. Proceedings of the 4th COSYMA Users Group Meeting, 1-23. KEMA, Arnhem 1997. Download |
42. * Petr Pecha: Reliability Analysis of Fuel Assemblies Based on Random Temperature Fields Modelling. Proceedings 4.International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, 1325-1331. G. Braun, Karlsruhe 1989. |