1. * Petr Honzík, Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Leoš Kafka, Lukáš Kohout, Jaroslav Sýkora: Video Processing: Foreground Recognition in the ASVP Platform. Smart Multicore Embedded Systems, 159-175. Springer, New York 2014. Download |
2. * Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Leoš Kafka, Lukáš Kohout, Jaroslav Sýkora: The Architecture and the Technology Characterization of an FPGA-Based Customizable Application-Specific Vector Coprocessor (ASVP). Smart Multicore Embedded Systems, 45-77. Springer, New York 2014. Download |
3. * Martin Daněk, Leoš Kafka, Lukáš Kohout, Jaroslav Sýkora, Roman Bartosinski: UTLEON3: Exploring Fine-Grain Multi-Threading in FPGAs. Circuits & Systems . Springer, New York 2013. |
1. * Martin Daněk, Leoš Kafka, Lukáš Kohout, Jaroslav Sýkora: Hardware Support for Fine-Grain Multi-Threading in LEON3. Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 4:1 (2011), 27-34. Download |
1. * Raissa Likhonina, Lukáš Kohout, Jiří Kadlec: Camera-to-touchscreen design. Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications (IWMMA’2017), 94-99. Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnojarsk 2017. Download |
2. * Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Jaroslav Sýkora, Lukáš Kohout, P. Honzík: Foreground Detection and Image Segmentation in a Flexible ASVP Platform for FPGAs. Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing, 375-376. Electronic Chips & Systems design Initiative, Gières 2012. Download |
3. * Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Jaroslav Sýkora, Lukáš Kohout, P. Honzík: Video Surveillance Application Based on Application Specific Vector Processors. Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing, 248-255. Electronic Chips & Systems design Initiative, Gières 2012. Download |
4. * Jaroslav Sýkora, Roman Bartosinski, Lukáš Kohout, Martin Daněk, P. Honzík: Reducing Instruction Issue Overheads in Application-Specific Vector Processors. Proceedings of the 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2012, 600-607. Conference Publishing Services, Izmir 2012. Download |
5. * Jaroslav Sýkora, Lukáš Kohout, Roman Bartosinski, Leoš Kafka, Martin Daněk, P. Honzík: The Architecture and the Technology Characterization of an FPGA-based Customizable Application-Specific Vector Processor. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 62-67. IEEE, Tallinn, ESTONIA 2012. Download |
6. * Jaroslav Sýkora, Leoš Kafka, Martin Daněk, Lukáš Kohout: Microthreading as a Novel Method for Close Coupling of Custom Hardware Accelerators to SVP Processors. 2011 14th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools DSD 2011, 525-532. IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services, Oulu, Finsko 2011. Download |
7. * Jaroslav Sýkora, Leoš Kafka, Martin Daněk, Lukáš Kohout: Analysis of Execution Efficiency in the Microthreaded Processor UTLEON3. Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2011, 110-121. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin 2011. |
8. * Martin Daněk, Leoš Kafka, Lukáš Kohout, Jaroslav Sýkora: Instruction Set Extensions for Multi-Threading in LEON3. Proceedings of the13th IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 237-242. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2010. Download |
9. * Martin Daněk, Jiří Kadlec, Roman Bartosinski, Lukáš Kohout: Increasing the Level of Abstraction in FPGA-based Designes. International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 5-10. Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg 2008. Download |
10. * Lukáš Kohout: Architektury číslicových systémů využívající princip samoadaptace. Počítačové architektury a diagnostika 2008 Sborník příspěvků, 57-62. Techická universita v Liberci, Liberec 2008. Download |
11. * Jiří Kadlec, Martin Daněk, Lukáš Kohout: Proposed architecture of configurable, adaptable SoC. The IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference ISSC 2008, 368-373. Institution of Engineering and Technology, Londýn 2008. |
1. * Lukáš Kohout: Částečná dynamická rekonfigurace na FPGA obvodech firmy Xilinx s nástroji ISE a EDK verze 8.2i. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007. |
3. * Lukáš Kohout: Částečná dynamická rekonfigurace na FPGA obvodech firmy XILINX. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007. |
4. * Jiří Kadlec, Martin Daněk, Jan Schier, Lukáš Kohout, Leoš Kafka, Jan Kloub, Jaroslav Stejskal, Jiří Svozil: Identifikace limitací dosavadních technologií v kontextu projektu VLAM. Research Report 2183. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007. |