Publications - Petr Honzík

Books and chapters (1)

1. * Petr Honzík, Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Leoš Kafka, Lukáš Kohout, Jaroslav Sýkora: Video Processing: Foreground Recognition in the ASVP Platform. Smart Multicore Embedded Systems, 159-175. Springer, New York 2014.   Download

Journal articles (5)

1. * Martin Daněk, Petr Honzík, Jiří Kadlec, Zdeněk Pohl, Rudolf Matoušek: Platforma s částečnou dynamickou rekonfigurací FPGA. Automa 12:5 (2006), 40-43.
2. * Rudolf Matoušek, Martin Daněk, Zdeněk Pohl, Roman Bartosinski, Petr Honzík: Reconfigurable System-on-a-Chip. Syndicated 5:2 (2005), 1-3.
3. * Petr Honzík: Programování AVR v aplikaci. Praktická elektronika A Radio 10:4 (2005), 20.
4. * Martin Daněk, Petr Honzík, Jiří Kadlec, Rudolf Matoušek, Zdeněk Pohl: Reconfigurable system on programmable chip platform. ATMEL Applications Journal, 9-12.
5. * Petr Honzík: Elektronická kniha jízd. Elektus -- "Speciál" : ročenka časopisu Praktická elektronika A Radio, 34-38.

Conference papers (14)

1. * Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Jaroslav Sýkora, Lukáš Kohout, P. Honzík: Foreground Detection and Image Segmentation in a Flexible ASVP Platform for FPGAs. Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing, 375-376. Electronic Chips & Systems design Initiative, Gières 2012.   Download
2. * Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Jaroslav Sýkora, Lukáš Kohout, P. Honzík: Video Surveillance Application Based on Application Specific Vector Processors. Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing, 248-255. Electronic Chips & Systems design Initiative, Gières 2012.   Download
3. * Jaroslav Sýkora, Roman Bartosinski, Lukáš Kohout, Martin Daněk, P. Honzík: Reducing Instruction Issue Overheads in Application-Specific Vector Processors. Proceedings of the 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2012, 600-607. Conference Publishing Services, Izmir 2012.   Download
4. * Jaroslav Sýkora, Lukáš Kohout, Roman Bartosinski, Leoš Kafka, Martin Daněk, P. Honzík: The Architecture and the Technology Characterization of an FPGA-based Customizable Application-Specific Vector Processor. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 62-67. IEEE, Tallinn, ESTONIA 2012.   Download
5. * P. Honzík, Jiří Kadlec: Dynamic Placement Applications into Self Adaptive Network on FPGA. 2011 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS 2011), 453-456. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ), Cottbus 2011.   Download
6. * Jan Kloub, Petr Honzík, Martin Daněk: Reconfigurable Hardware Objects for Image Processing on FPGAs. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 121-122. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Vienna 2010.   Download
7. * Martin Daněk, J.-M. Philippe, Roman Bartosinski, Petr Honzík, Ch. Gamrat: Self-Adaptive Networked Entities for Building Pervasive Computing Aschitectures. International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Harware, 8th International Conference, ICES 2008, 94-105. Springer, Heidelberg 2008.   Download
8. * Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Petr Honzík, Jiří Kadlec: Modelling Self-Adaptive Networked Entities in Matlab/Simulink. Technical Computing Prague 2007, 1-8. Humusoft, Praha 2007.
9. * Petr Honzík: Rozbor a implementace dynamické rekonfigurace pro obvody FPGA. Počítačové architektury a diagnostika, 55-60. ČVUT FEL, Praha 2005.
10. * Martin Daněk, Antonín Heřmánek, Petr Honzík, Jiří Kadlec, Rudolf Matoušek, Zdeněk Pohl: GIN - notetaker for blind people: An example of using dynamic reconfiguration of FPGAs. ACACES 2005. Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems, 15-18. HiPEAC Network of Excellence, Ghent 2005.
11. * Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Petr Honzík, Rudolf Matoušek: Dynamic reconfiguration in FPGA-based SoC designs. ACACES 2005. Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems, 35-38. HiPEAC Network of Excellence, Ghent 2005.
12. * Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Petr Honzík, Rudolf Matoušek: Dynamic reconfiguration in FPGA-based SoC designs. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Workshop on Designs and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits nad Systems, 129-136. University of West Hungary, Sopron 2005.
13. * Petr Honzík: AVR core supported dynamic reconfiguration. POSTER 2004. Proceedings of the 8th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-5. ČVUT FEL, Praha 2004.
14. * Martin Daněk, Petr Honzík, Jiří Kadlec, Rudolf Matoušek, Zdeněk Pohl: Reconfigurable system-on-a-programmable-chip platform. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 21-28. Institute of Informatics SAS, Bratislava 2004.

Other publications (6)

1. * Roman Bartosinski, Martin Daněk, Petr Honzík, Rudolf Matoušek: Dynamic reconfiguration in FPGA-based SoC designs. Abstract. FPGA 2005 - ACM/SIGDA Thirteenth ACM International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, 274. ACM, Monterey 2005.
2. * Rudolf Matoušek, Petr Honzík: SDIO Interface for the FPSLIC. Research Report 2118. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2004.
3. * Jiří Kadlec, Martin Daněk, Petr Honzík: Reconfigurable Scrolling Demo. Research Report 2117. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2004.
4. * Jiří Kadlec, Martin Daněk, Petr Honzík: Reconfigurable 24-Bit Floating-Point Coprocessor Demo. Research Report 2116. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2004.
5. * Petr Honzík: Getting Started with AVG-GCC. Research Report 2115. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2004.
6. * Petr Honzík: Communication Library for AVR Microcontrollers. Research Report 2110. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2004.