Publications - Michal Haindl

Books and chapters (14)

1. Michal Haindl: Bidirectional texture function modeling. Handbook of Mathematical Models and Algorithms in Computer Vision and Imaging : Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 1023-1064. Springer International Publishing, Cham 2023.   Download
2. H. Beran, R. Bízková, M. Bunček, P. Burget, J. Burian, A. Čirličová, P. Csank, V. Czesaná, B. Čížek, V. Datel, M. Doupovec, D. Drábová, J. Filová, J. Furman, Michal Haindl, J. Hajič, M. Hanzlík, M. Hartl, Z. Havelka, O. Havle, J. Hlaváčková, J. Holoubek, T. Hrubínek, F. Hýbner, D. Kaminský, P. Knap, P. Komárek, R. Komzák, M. Kopicová, J. Krechl, J. Kubalík, V. Kysela, Josef Lazar, V. Mařík, Z. Matoušková, V. Matyáš, S. McKenna, S. Mišák, J. Novák, E. Odvářka, E. Palíšek, M. Pazour, J. Prokš, J. Proksch, J. Psutka, V. Radová, M. Rathouský, J. Růžička, D. Sedláček, T. Sirovátka, O. Sládek, P. Smrž, P. Sochor, Petr Somol, O. Sotona, J. Straková, Z. Strnad, M. Svítek, T. Šamanová, J. Šedivý, B. Šimák, R. Šiser, D. Tatýrek, P. Václavek, M. Václavík, M. Valášek, P. Vavřín, P. Volhejn, P. Vrba, J. Žára, J. Žídek: Průmysl 4.0 Výzva pro Českou republiku. Management Press, Praha 2016.   Download
3. Michal Haindl, Václav Remeš: Digital Mammogram Enhancement. Mammography Techniques and Review, 63-78. InTech Education and Publishing, Zagreb 2015.   Download
4. Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip: Visual Texture : Accurate Material Appearance Measurement, Representation and Modeling. Springer-Verlag London, London 2013.   Download
5. Michal Haindl: Visual Data Recognition and Modeling Based on Local Markovian Models. Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation, 241-259. Springer London, London 2012.   Download
6. Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Illumination Invariants Based on Markov Random Fields. Pattern Recognition, Recent Advances, 253-272. In-Teh, Vukovar, Croatia 2010.   Download
7. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Unsupervised Texture Segmentation. Pattern Recognition, 227-248. In-Tech, Vienna 2008.   Download
8. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Multimodal Range Image Segmentation. Vision Systems, Segmentation & Pattern Recognition, 25-46. I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Vienna 2007.   Download
9. * Michal Haindl: Model-based pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition and String Matching, 201-236. Kluwer, Dordrecht 2003.
10. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: Model-based restoration of short-exposure solar images. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 87. Soft Computing Systems Design, Management and Applications, 697-706. IOS Press, Amsterdam 2002.
11. * K. Haindl, Michal Haindl: Aeration at hydraulic structures. Developments in Hydraulic Engineering - 2, 95-134. Gihodo, Tokyo 2001.
12. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: A regression model contribution to astronomical image reconstruction. Data Analysis in Astronomy, 303-310. World Scientific, Singapore 1997.
13. * Jan Havel, J. Ježek, M. Haindl, J. Havel, S. Saic: Systémy pro zpracování dat v dálkovém průzkumu Země. PGS - Aerokosmické metody v geologii, 1-9. Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Praha 1988.
14. * Michal Haindl: Rozpoznávání obrazových dat. Aerokosmické metody v geologii, 1-11. Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Praha 1988.

Journal articles (61)

1. Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Texture recognition under scale and illumination variations. Journal of Information and Telecommunication 8:1 (2024), 130-148.   Download
2. Michal Havlíček, Michal Haindl: Color Quality Comparison in Spectrally (Un)Correlated Random Field Models. Computer Science Research Notes 3401:1 (2024), 197-206.   Download
3. Pavel Žid, Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Governmental Anti-Covid Measures Effectiveness Detection. Procedia Computer Science 225:1 (2023), 2922-2931.   Download
4. Stanislav Mikeš, Michal Haindl: Texture Segmentation Benchmark. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44:9 (2022), 5647-5663. IEEE Computer Society.   Download
5. Michal Havlíček, Michal Haindl: Texture Spectral Similarity Criteria. IET Image Processing 13:11 (2019), 1998-2007. Wiley.   Download
6. Václav Remeš, Michal Haindl: Bark recognition using novel rotationally invariant multispectral textural features. Pattern Recognition Letters 125:1 (2019), 612-617. Elsevier.   Download
7. Michal Haindl, Václav Remeš: Pseudocolor enhancement of mammogram texture abnormalities. Machine Vision and Applications 30:4 (2019), 785-794. Springer.   Download
8. Václav Remeš, Michal Haindl: Region of Interest Contrast Measures. Kybernetika 54:5 (2018), 978-990. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i..   Download
9. Jiří Filip, Martina Kolafová, Michal Havlíček, Radomír Vávra, Michal Haindl, H. Rushmeier: Evaluating Physical and Rendered Material Appearance. Visual Computer 34, 805-816. Springer.   Download
10. Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: A competition in unsupervised color image segmentation. Pattern Recognition 57:9 (2016), 136-151. Elsevier.   Download
11. Michal Haindl, Matěj Sedláček, Radomír Vávra: Virtual Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Artifacts. ERCIM News 103 (2015), 12-13. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.   Download
12. Stanislav Mikeš, Michal Haindl, G. Scarpa, R. Gaetano: Benchmarking of Remote Sensing Segmentation Methods. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 8:5 (2015), 2240-2248.   Download
13. Michal Haindl, Mikuláš Krupička: Unsupervised detection of non-iris occlusions. Pattern Recognition Letters 57:5 (2015), 60-65. Elsevier.   Download
14. Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Unsupervised Image Segmentation. IAPR Newsletter 36:4 (2014), 23-23.   Download
15. Michal Haindl, J. Kittler: Introduction to the Special Theme Image Understanding. ERCIM News 95:95 (2013), 9-9. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.   Download
16. Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Wood Variety Recognition on Mobile Devices. ERCIM News 93 (2013), 52-52. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.   Download
17. Martin Hatka, Michal Haindl: Advanced Material Rendering in Blender. The International Journal of Virtual Reality 11:2 (2012), 15-23.   Download
18. Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, Radomír Vávra: Digital Material Appearance: the Curse of Tera-Bytes. ERCIM News 90 (2012), 49-50. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.   Download
19. Stanislav Mikeš, Michal Haindl, Radek Holub: National Gallery in Prague. ERCIM News 86 (2011), 23-24. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.   Download
20. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček, Jiří Grim: Probabilistic mixture-based image modelling. Kybernetika 47:3 (2011), 482-500. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i..   Download
21. Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Content-Based tile Retrieval System. ERCIM News 85 (2011), 45-45. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.   Download
22. Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl, Tomáš Suk: Colour and rotation invariant textural features based on Markov random fields. Pattern Recognition Letters 32:6 (2011), 771-779. Elsevier.   Download
23. D. Chetverikov, S. Fazekas, Michal Haindl: Dynamic texture as foreground and background. Machine Vision and Applications 22:5 (2011), 741-750. Springer.   Download
24. Michal Haindl: Scientometry Leading us Astray. ERCIM News 82 (2010), 8-8. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.   Download
25. Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, Martin Hatka: Realistic Material Appearance Modelling. ERCIM News 81 (2010), 13-14. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.   Download
26. * Jiří Filip, M.J. Chantler, Michal Haindl: On uniform resampling and gaze analysis of bidirectional texture functions. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 6:3 (2009), 1-15. Association for Computing Machinery.   Download
27. * Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl: Bidirectional Texture Function Modeling: State of the Art Survey. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31:11 (2009), 1921-1940. IEEE Computer Society.   Download
28. * G. Scarpa, R. Gaetano, Michal Haindl, J. Zerubia: Hierarchical Multiple Markov Chain Model for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18:8 (2009), 1830-1843. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.   Download
29. * Jiří Grim, Petr Somol, Michal Haindl, J. Daneš: Computer-Aided Evaluation of Screening Mammograms Based on Local Texture Models. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18:4 (2009), 765-773. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
30. * Jiří Filip, M.J. Chantler, P.R. Green, Michal Haindl: A psychophysically validated metric for bidirectional texture data reduction. ACM Transactions on Graphics 27:5 (2008), 138:1-138:11.   Download
31. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček, Jiří Grim: Probabilistic Discrete Mixtures Colour Texture Models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5197 (2008), 675-682.   Download
32. * Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl: BTF Modelling using BRDF Texels. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 84:9 (2007), 1267-1283.   Download
33. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš, G. Scarpa: Unsupervised Detection of Mammogram Regions of Interest. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2007, 33-40.   Download
34. * Jana Novovičová, Petr Somol, Michal Haindl, Pavel Pudil: Conditional Mutual Information Based Feature Selection for Classification Task. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 45:4756 (2007), 417-426.
35. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip: Extreme Compression and Modeling of Bidirectional Texture Function. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 29:10 (2007), 1859-1865. IEEE Computer Society.   Download
36. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Grim, Stanislav Mikeš: Texture Defect Detection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2007, 987-994.   Download
37. * G. Scarpa, Michal Haindl, J. Zerubia: A hierarchical texture model for unsupervised segmentation of remotely sensed images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science -:4522 (2007), 303-312.   Download
38. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multiple Segmenters Strategy. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4472 (2007), 210-219.
39. * Jiří Grim, Petr Somol, Michal Haindl, Pavel Pudil: Color Texture Segmentation by Decomposition of Gaussian Mixture Model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19:4225 (2006), 287-296.   Download
40. * Michal Haindl, Petr Somol, D. Ververidis, C. Kotropoulos: Feature Selection Based on Mutual Correlation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19:4225 (2006), 569-577.   Download
41. * Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl: BTF Modelling Using BRDF Texels. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4153 (2006), 475-484.   Download
42. * Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl, D. Chetverikov: Fast Synthesis of Dynamic Colour Textures. ERCIM News 66 (2006), 53-54. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.   Download
43. * Stanislav Mikeš, Michal Haindl: Prague texture segmentation data generator and benchmark. ERCIM News 64 (2006), 67-68. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
44. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Colour texture segmentation using modelling approach. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 3687:- (2005), 484-491.
45. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip: Modelling of authentic reflectance behaviour in virtual environments. ERCIM News, 49-50. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
46. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: Restoration of multitemporal short-exposure astronomical images. Proceedings of the 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis. SCIA 2005 3540.
47. * Jiří Grim, Michal Haindl: Texture modelling by discrete distribution mixtures. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 41, 603-615. Elsevier.
48. * Pavel Pudil, Michal Haindl: Czech Pattern Recognition Society. IAPR Newsletter 23:3 (2001), 4-5.
49. * Michal Haindl, J. Kittler: Autonomous acquisition of virtual reality models from real world scenes. Cultivate Interactive, 30-38.   Download
50. * Michal Haindl, P. Slavík: Image-based acquisition of virtual gallery model. ERCIM News, 15. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
51. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Colour texture modelling. ERCIM News, 23-24. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
52. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: A scratch removal method. Kybernetika 34:4 (1998), 423-428. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i..
53. * P. Andris, J. P. Costeira, K. Dobrovodský, Michal Haindl, J. Kittler, P. Kurdel, J. Santos-Victor, A. J. Stoddart: VIRTUOUS. ERCIM News, 25. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
54. * Pavel Pudil, Michal Haindl: Statistical techniques in pattern recognition. ERCIM News, 57. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
55. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Wiedermann: ERCIM meetings in Prague. ERCIM News, 2-3.   Download
56. * Michal Haindl: IAPR on the Network!. IAPR Newsletter 18:1 (1996), 5.
57. * Michal Haindl: HIT Browser. ERCIM News, 12.
58. * Michal Haindl: A new multimedia synchronization model. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14:1 (1996), 73-83.
59. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: A high - resolution radiospectrograph image reconstruction method. . Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 115, 189-193.
60. * Michal Haindl, M. M. de Ruiter: The MADE help system. Computer Graphics Forum 14:3 (1995), 149-157. Wiley.
61. * Bohumil Růžička, Michal Haindl: DX kód. Fotografie 41:4 (1990), 176-177.

Conference papers (143)

1. Michal Haindl, Michal Havlíček: Texture Spectral Decorrelation Criteria. Pattern Recognition : 27th International Conference, ICPR 2024, 324-333. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham 2025.   Download
2. Michal Haindl: Survival Modeling of Disease Consequences and Post-disease Syndromes. Proceedings of 2023 International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (MICAD 2023), 365-374. Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore 2024.   Download
3. Stanislav Mikeš, Michal Haindl: Optimal Activation Function for Anisotropic BRDF Modeling. Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - GRAPP, 162-169. SciTePress, Lisbon 2023.   Download
4. Michal Havlíček, Michal Haindl: Texture Spectral Similarity Criteria Comparison. WSCG 2023 Proceedings - 31. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision WSCG 2023, 100-106. University of West Bohemia, Plzeň 2023.   Download
5. Michal Haindl, N. Shaih: Texture Quality Criteria Comparison. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW 2023). IEEE, Piscataway 2023.   Download
6. P. Kříž, Michal Haindl: Multispectral Texture Benchmark. Procedia Computer Science : Volume 225, 27th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Sytems, KES 2023, 3143-3152. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2023.   Download
7. Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Melanoma Recognition. Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 722-729. Scitepress - Science and Technology Publications, Lda, Setúbal 2022.   Download
8. Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Textural Features Sensitivity to Scale and Illumination Variations. Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence : 14th International Conference, ICCCI 2022, 237-249. Springer International Publishing, Cham 2022.   Download
9. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: BRDF Anisotropy Criterion. Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 434-444. Springer Nature, Cham 2022.   Download
10. A. Moudrá, Michal Haindl: Underground Archeological Structures Detection. Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence, 690-702. Springer International Publishing, Cham 2021.   Download
11. Michal Havlíček, Michal Haindl: Optimized Texture Spectral Similarity Criteria. Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence, 644-655. Springer International Publishing, Cham 2021.   Download
12. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Transfer Learning of Mixture Texture Models. Computational Collective Intelligence, 825-837. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham 2020.   Download
13. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: 3D Multi-frequency Fully Correlated Causal Random Field Texture Model. Pattern Recognition, 423-434. Springer International Publishing, Cham 2020.   Download
14. Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Coniferous Trees Needles-Based Taxonomy Classification. International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2019 (IVCNZ 2019), 1-6. IEEE, Piscataway 2019.   Download
15. Stanislav Mikeš, Michal Haindl: View Dependent Surface Material Recognition. Advances in Visual Computing : 14th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2019), 156-167. Springer, Cham 2019.   Download
16. Michal Haindl, Michal Havlíček: Mutual Information-Based Texture Spectral Similarity Criterion. Advances in Visual Computing : 14th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2019), 302-314. Springer, Cham 2019.   Download
17. Miloš Kudělka, Michal Haindl: Multispectral Texture Fidelity Measure. SITIS 2018. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, 658-663. IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos 2018.   Download
18. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: BTF Compound Texture Model with Fast Iterative Non-Parametric Control Field Synthesis. SITIS 2018. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, 98-105. IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos 2018.   Download
19. Radek Richtr, Michal Haindl: Dynamic Texture Similarity Criterion. The 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018), 904-909. IEEE, New York 2018.   Download
20. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: BTF Compound Texture Model with Non-Parametric Control Field. The 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018), 1151-1156. IEEE, New York 2018.   Download
21. Václav Remeš, Michal Haindl: Rotationally Invariant Bark Recognition. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition : Joint IAPR International Workshop, S+SSPR 2018, 22-31. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham 2018.   Download
22. Matěj Sedláček, Michal Haindl, D. Formanová: An Automatic Tortoise Specimen Recognition. Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications: 21st Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2016, 52-59. Springer International Publishing, Cham 2017.   Download
23. Michal Haindl, Pavel Vácha: Scale Sensitivity of Textural Features. Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications: 21st Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2016, 84-92. Springer International Publishing, Cham 2017.   Download
24. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Two Compound Random Field Texture Models. Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications: 21st Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2016, 44-51. Springer International Publishing, Cham 2017.   Download
25. Michal Haindl, Michal Havlíček: A Compound Moving Average Bidirectional Texture Function Model. Multimedia and Network Information Systems, 89-98. Springer Internatiion Publishing, Switzerland 2017.   Download
26. Michal Haindl, Matěj Sedláček: Virtual reconstruction of cultural heritage artifacts. 2016 International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IWCIM), 1-5. IEEE, USA 2016.   Download
27. M. Kudo, K. Kimura, Michal Haindl, H. Tenmoto: Simultaneous Visualization of Samples, Features and Multi-Labels. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 3592-3597. IEEE, Piscataway 2016.   Download
28. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Three-dimensional Gaussian Mixture Texture Model. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2026-2031. IEEE, Piscataway 2016.   Download
29. Miloš Kudělka, Michal Haindl: Texture fidelity criterion. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. IEEE, Piscataway 2016.   Download
30. Jiří Filip, Radomír Vávra, Michal Haindl: Capturing Material Visualization Data using Goniometers. Proceedings of the 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, 121-127. Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage CIE Central Bureau, Vienna 2016.   Download
31. Michal Havlíček, Michal Haindl: Texture spectral similarity criteria. Proceedings of the 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, 147-154. Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage CIE Central Bureau, Vienna 2016.   Download
32. Václav Remeš, Michal Haindl: Classification of breast density in X-ray mammography. 2015 International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, 1-5. IEEE, New York, NY, 2015.   Download
33. Radek Richtr, Michal Haindl: Dynamic Texture Editing. Proceedings of the 31st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 133-140. ACM, New York, NY, USA 2015.   Download
34. Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš, M. Kudo: Unsupervised Surface Reflectance Field Multi-segmenter. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns - CAIP 2015, 261-273. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 2015.   Download
35. Michal Haindl, Pavel Vácha: Wood Veneer Species Recognition using Markovian Textural Features. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns - CAIP 2015, 300-311. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 2015.   Download
36. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Color Texture Restoration. IEEE 7th International Conferences on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS), and Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), 13-18. IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA 2015.   Download
37. Michal Haindl, Václav Remeš, Vojtěch Havlíček: BTF Potts compound texture model. Measuring, Modeling, and Reproducing Material Appearance 2015. SPIE-IS&T, Bellingham 2015.   Download
38. Michal Haindl, Miloš Kudělka: Texture Fidelity Benchmark. 2014 International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IWCIM). IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos, USA 2014.   Download
39. Michal Havlíček, Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip: Dynamic Textures Modeling Using Temporal Mixing Coefficients Reduction. 2014 International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IWCIM). IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos, USA 2014.   Download
40. Michal Haindl, Václav Remeš: Adaptive Model-Based Mammogram Enhancement. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2014, 65-72. IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos, USA 2014.   Download
41. Michal Haindl, Mikuláš Krupička: Accurate Detection of Non-Iris Occlusions. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2014, 49-56. IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos, USA 2014.   Download
42. Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Unsupervised Image Segmentation Contest. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014), 1484-1489. IEEE Computer Society, Stockholm 2014.   Download
43. Jiří Filip, Jiří Grim, Michal Haindl: A Probabilistic Approach to Rough Texture Compression and Rendering. MUSCLE International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, 8-12. Bilkent University, Antalya, Turkey 2013.   Download
44. Michal Haindl, Radek Richtr: Dynamic Texture Enlargement. Proceedings of the 29th Spring conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG), 13-20. ACM, Comenius University, Bratislava 2013.   Download
45. Michal Haindl, Václav Remeš: Efficient Textural Model-Based Mammogram Enhancement. 2013 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 522-523. IEEE, Piscataway 2013.   Download
46. Michal Haindl, Mikuláš Krupička: Non-Iris Occlusions Detection. Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), 2013, 1-6. IEEE, Piscataway 2013.   Download
47. Michal Havlíček, Michal Haindl: A Moving Average Bidirectional Texture Function Model. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 338-345. Springer, Heidelberg 2013.   Download
48. Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Unsupervised Dynamic Textures Segmentation. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 433-440. Springer, Heidelberg 2013.   Download
49. Jiří Filip, Radomír Vávra, Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid, Mikuláš Krupička, V. Havran: BRDF Slices: Accurate Adaptive Anisotropic Appearance Acquisition. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1468-1473. IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services, New York 2013.   Download
50. Stanislav Mikeš, Michal Haindl, G. Scarpa: Remote Sensing Segmentation Benchmark. 2012 IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing (PRRS), 1-4. IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ 2012.   Download
51. Stanislava Šimberová, Michal Haindl, Filip Šroubek: Fine Structure Recognition in Multichannel Observations. International Conference on Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications (DICTA) 2012, 1-7. IEEE Press, Piscataway 2012.   Download
52. Michal Haindl, Václav Remeš, Vojtěch Havlíček: Potts Compound Markovian Texture Model. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2012), 29-32. IEEE Press, Piscataway 2012.   Download
53. Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl, J. Stančík: Predicting Environment Illumination Effects on Material Appearance. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2012), 2075-2078. IEEE Press, Piscataway 2012.   Download
54. Michal Haindl, Michal Havlíček: Bidirectional Texture Function Simultaneous Autoregressive Model. Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, 149-159. Springer, Berlin 2012.   Download
55. Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Texture Recognition using Robust Markovian Features. Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, 126-137. Springer, Berlin 2012.   Download
56. Jiří Filip, Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Analysis of Human Gaze Interactions with Texture and Shape. Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, 160-171. Springer, Berlin 2012.   Download
57. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: A Plausible Texture Enlargement and Editing Compound Markovian Model. Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, 138-148. Springer, Berlin 2012.   Download
58. Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl: User Study of Viewing and Illumination Dependent Material Appearance. Predicting Perceptions: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Appearance, 34-38. Lulu Press, Edinburgh UK 2012.   Download
59. Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip: Advanced textural representation of materials appearance. Proceedings of SA '11 SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Courses, 1-84. ACM, New York 2011.   Download
60. Martin Hatka, Michal Haindl: BTF Rendering in Blender. Proceedings of VRCAI 2011: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications to Industry, 265-272. The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, New York, USA 2011.   Download
61. Stanislava Šimberová, Michal Haindl, Jan Flusser: Mathematics improves astronomical image understanding. Mathematics and Astronomy: A joint Long Journey, 215-221. American Institute of Physics, Melville 2010.
62. Michal Haindl, Martin Hatka: Near-Regular BTF Texture Model. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2114-2117. IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos 2010.   Download
63. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: A Compound MRF Texture Model. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1792-1795. IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos 2010.   Download
64. Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl, M.J. Chantler: Gaze-Motivated Compression of Illumination and View Dependent Textures. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 862-865. IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos 2010.   Download
65. Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Natural Material Recognition with Illumination Invariant Textural Features. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 858-861. IEEE Computer Society CPS, Los Alamitos 2010.   Download
66. Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Content-Based Tile Retrieval System. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, 434-443. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Berlin / Heidelberg 2010.   Download
67. Jiří Filip, Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl, P.R. Green: A Psychophysical Evaluation of Texture Degradation Descriptors. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, 423-433. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Berlin / Heidelberg 2010.   Download
68. Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček, Jiří Grim: Colour Texture Representation Based on Multivariate Bernoulli Mixtures. 10th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications, 578-581. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2010.   Download
69. Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid, Radek Holub: Range Video Segmentation. 10th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications, 369-372. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2010.   Download
70. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš, Pavel Vácha: Illumination Invariant Unsupervised Segmenter. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2009, 4025-4028. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2009.   Download
71. * Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Illumination Invariant and Rotational Insensitive Textural Representation. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2009, 1333-1336. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2009.   Download
72. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Texture Editing Using Frequency Swap Strategy. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 1146-1153. Springer, Heidelberg 2009.   Download
73. * Michal Haindl, Martin Hatka: Near-Regular Texture Synthesis. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 1138-1145. Springer, Heidelberg 2009.   Download
74. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš, Pavel Pudil: Unsupervised Hierarchical Weighted Multi-Segmenter. Multiple Classifier Systems, LNCS 5519, 272-282. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2009.   Download
75. * Michal Haindl, Martin Hatka: Generalized Roller. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, WSCG 2009, 73-80. UNION Agency, Plzeň 2009.   Download
76. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Texture Segmentation Benchmark. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2933-2936. IEEE Press, Los Alamitos 2008.   Download
77. * Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl: Fast and Reliable PCA-Based Temporal Segmentation of Video Sequences. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4. IEEE Press, Los Alamitos 2008.   Download
78. * Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Illumination Invariants Based on Markov Random Fields. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3588-3591. IEEE Press, Los Alamitos 2008.   Download
79. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Unsupervised Mammograms Segmentation. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 676-679. IEEE Press, Los Alamitos 2008.   Download
80. * Stanislav Mikeš, Michal Haindl, Radek Holub: Navigation in Virtual Environment. 2nd International Conference EVA, 111-118. Austrian Computer Society, Vienna 2008.   Download
81. * J. Filip, M.J. Chantler, Michal Haindl: On Optimal Resampling of View and Illumination Dependent Textures. Fifth Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, 131-134. ACM, Los Angeles, USA 2008.   Download
82. * Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Demonstration of image retrieval based on illumination invariant textural MRF features. CIVR '07: Proceedings of the 6th ACM international conference on Image and video retrieval, 135-137. ACM Press, New York 2007.   Download
83. * Pavel Vácha, Michal Haindl: Image retrieval measures based on illumination invariant textural MRF features. CIVR '07: Proceedings of the 6th ACM international conference on Image and video retrieval, 448-454. ACM Press, New York 2007.   Download
84. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: Validation of Classical and Blind Criteria for Image Quality Evaluation. Proceedings of the Ninth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, 218-223. ACTA Press, Anaheim 2007.
85. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: Probabilistic suppression of astronomical image degradations. Modern solar facilities - advanced solar science, 127-130. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen 2007.   Download
86. * G. Scarpa, Michal Haindl, J. Zerubia: A Hierarchical Finite-State Model for Texture Segmentation. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'07) /32./, 1209-1212. IEEE, Los Alamos 2007.
87. * Pavel Pudil, Petr Somol, Michal Haindl: Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition. MATEO - The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Industrial Controllers 2006, 163-170. West Bohemian University, Pilsen, Plzeň 2006.
88. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Pudil, Petr Somol: Pattern Recognition Based on Multidimensional Models. MATEO - The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Industrial Controllers 2006, 80-86. West Bohemian University, Pilsen, Plzeň 2006.
89. * Jiří Grim, Michal Haindl, Petr Somol, Pavel Pudil: A subspace approach to texture modelling by using Gaussian mixtures. Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2006, 235-238. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2006.
90. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Vácha: Illumination Invariant Texture Retrieval. Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 276-279. IEEEPress, Piscataway 2006.   Download
91. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multispectral Modelling Approach. Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 203-206. IEEEPress, Piscataway 2006.   Download
92. * Michal Haindl, G. Scarpa: Unsupervised Texture Segmentation by Spectral-Spatial-Independent. Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 151-154. IEEEPress, Piscataway 2006.   Download
93. * Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl, D. Chetverikov: Fast Synthesis of Dynamic Colour Textures. Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 25-28. IEEEPress, Piscataway 2006.   Download
94. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Multimodal Range Image Segmentation by Curve Grouping. Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 9-12. IEEE Press, Piscataway 2006.   Download
95. * Michal Haindl, M. Hatka: BTF Roller. Texture 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis, 89-94. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2005.
96. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Grim, Pavel Pudil, M. Kudo: A hybrid BTF model based on Gaussian mixtures. Texture 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis, 95-100. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2005.
97. * Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl: Efficient image-based Bidirectional Texture Function model. Texture 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis, 7-12. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2005.
98. * Petr Somol, Michal Haindl: Novel path search algorithm for image stitching and advanced texture tiling. WSCG'2005. 13th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2005. Proceedings, 155-162. Západočeská univerzita, Plzeň 2005.   Download
99. * Michal Haindl, M. Hatka: A roller - fast sampling-based texture synthesis algorithm. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. WSCG 2005. Proceedings, 80-83. University of West Bohemia, Plzen 2005.
100. * Jiří Grim, Petr Somol, Michal Haindl, Pavel Pudil: A statistical approach to local evalution of a single texture image. Proceedings of the Sixtheenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, 171-176. University of Cape Town, Cape Town 2005.
101. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: Probabilistic model-based restoration of short-exposure astronomical images. Signal and Image Processing. Proceedings, 619-624. Acta Press, Anaheim 2004.
102. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip: A fast probabilistic Bidirectional Texture Function model. Image Analysis and Recognition, 298-305. Springer, Heidelberg 2004.
103. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Mikeš: Model-based texture segmentation. Image Analysis and Recognition. Proceedings, 306-313. Springer, Berlin 2004.
104. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, M. Arnold: BTF image space utmost compression and modelling method. Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 194-197. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2004.
105. * Jiří Filip, Michal Haindl: Non-linear reflectance model for Bidirectional Texture Function synthesis. Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 80-83. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2004.
106. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Grim, Petr Somol, Pavel Pudil, M. Kudo: A Gaussian mixture-based colour texture model. Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 177-180. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2004.
107. * Stanislav Mikeš, Michal Haindl: Multispectral texture segmentation. WDS '03 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, 221-225. MFF UK, Praha 2003.
108. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip: Fast BTF texture modelling. Texture 2003. Proceedings, 47-52. IEEE Press, Edinburgh 2003.
109. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip: Fast restoration of colour movie scratches. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 269-272. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 2002.
110. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: A multiscale colour texture model. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 255-258. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 2002.
111. * Michal Haindl: Recursive model-based colour image restoration. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2396. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, 617-626. Springer, Berlin 2002.
112. * Michal Haindl, H. Lauschmann: Model-based fatigue fractographs texture analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2396. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, 842-849. Springer, Berlin 2002.
113. * Jiří Grim, Michal Haindl: A discrete mixtures colour texture model. Texture 2002. The 2nd International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis, 59-62. HeriotWatt University, Glasgow 2002.
114. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: A simple multispectral multiresolution Markov texture model. Texture 2002. The 2nd International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis, 63-66. HeriotWatt University, Glasgow 2002.
115. * Michal Haindl: Recursive model-based image restoration. Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 346-349. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 2000.
116. * Michal Haindl: Recursive square-root filters. Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1018-1021. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 2000.
117. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček, Pavel Žid: Automatic acquisition of planar-faced virtual models. Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 987-990. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos 2000.
118. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: A multiresolution causal colour texture model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1876. Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, 114-122. Springer, Berlin 2000.
119. * Michal Haindl: Texture modelling. Computer Science and Engineering. 7. Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 634-639. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando 2000.
120. * Michal Haindl, Š. Kment, P. Slavík: Virtual information systems. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media '2000, 22-27. University of West Bohemia, Plzeň 2000.
121. * Michal Haindl: Edge preserving model-based image restoration. Proceedings of the Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop 2000, 49-54. Czech Pattern Recognition Society, Praha 2000.
122. * Michal Haindl: Texture segmentation using recursive Markov random field parameter estimation. Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, 771-776. Pattern Recognition Society of Denmark, Lyngby 1999.
123. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Colour texture modelling. Week of Doctoral Students 1998. Proceedings, 128-135. Matfyzpress, Praha 1998.
124. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Range image segmentation by curve grouping. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, 339-344. ASCO Art, Bratislava 1998.
125. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Multiresolution colour texture synthesis. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, 297-302. ASCO Art, Bratislava 1998.
126. * Michal Haindl: Unsupervised texture segmentation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1451. Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, 1021-1028. Springer, Berlin 1998.
127. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Fast segmentation of plannar surfaces in range images. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 985-987. IEEE, Los Alamitos 1998.
128. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: A range image segmentation method. Week of Doctoral Students 1997. Proceedings, 115-121. MFF UK, Praha 1997.
129. * J. Kittler, A. J. Stoddart, J. Santos-Victor, J. P. Costeira, Michal Haindl, K. Dobrovodský, P. Andris, P. Kurdel: Virtuous: Autonomous acquisition of virtual reality models from real world scenes. International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, 487-492. Studio 22 Edizion, Cassino 1997.
130. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Fast segmentation of range images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1310. Images Analysis and Processing, 295-302. Springer, Berlin 1997.
131. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: A scratch removal method. Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, 61-66. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1997.
132. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: A range image segmentation method. Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '97. Proceedings, 69-76. Czech Pattern Recognition Society, Praha 1997.
133. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: A regression model contribution to astronomical image reconstruction. Data analysis in astronomy, 303-309. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1997.
134. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: Adaptive reconstruction method of multispectral images. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 809-814. ISPRS, Vienna 1996.
135. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: A multi-model image line reconstruction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 970. Computer Analysis of Image and Patterns, 735-740. Springer, Berlin 1995.
136. * Michal Haindl, C. R. Allen: Paralelní programování transputeru. Digitální zpracování obrazu '90, 98-103. ČSVTS Tesla VÚST, Praha 1990.
137. * Michal Haindl: Contextual Bayesian Classifier. Proceedings of ISPRS Symposium Global and Environmental Monitoring Techniques and Impacts, -. ISPRS, Victoria 1990.
138. * Michal Haindl: Linearised Bayesian Classifier. International Symposium ISPRS Progress in Data Analysis, -. University of Wuhan, Wuhan 1990.
139. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: A Regression Type Image Destriping Method. Biosignál '90, 74-75. Dům techniky ČSVTS, Brno 1990.
140. * Michal Haindl: Contextual Classification. Aplikace umělé inteligence AI'90, 241-248. Ústav pro informační systémy v kultuře, Praha 1990.
141. * Michal Haindl: Dimensionalitätreduktion der multispektralen kosmischen Bilddaten. Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts fur Physik der Erde. 106/2. 5. Konferenz - Fernerkundung - Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen -, 85-96. Zentralinstitut fur Physik der Erde Akademie der Wissenschaften, Potsdam 1989.
142. * Michal Haindl: Linearizovaný bayesovský klasifikátor. Digitální zpracování obrazu '89, 87-91. ČSVTS TESLA VÚST, Praha 1989.
143. * Michal Haindl: Bayesian classifier equivalence in the linear transformed feature spaces. Proceedings International Fair Conference CAIP'89, 36-38. Kammer der Technik, Leipzig 1989.

Other publications (46)

1. Michal Haindl: ERCIM News no.80 - Digital Preservation. 2010.
2. * Michal Haindl: ERCIM News no. 77 - 79. 2009.
3. * Michal Haindl: ERCIM News (no. 72-75). 2008.
4. * Pavel Pudil, Petr Somol, Michal Haindl: Selection of Most Informative Variables in Statistical Pattern Recognition. MATEO -The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Industrial Controllers . UWB, Plzeň 2007.
5. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Pudil, Petr Somol: Model-Based Visual Inspection. MATEO - The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Industrial Controllers . UWB, Plzeň 2007.
6. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: Probabilistic suppression of astronomical degradations. Proceedings of Abstracts of Modern Solar Facilities - Advanced Solar Science, 1-1. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen 2007.
7. * Michal Haindl, Petr Somol: Statistical Analysis of Medical Images and Its Possible Impact on Medical Practice. International Conference Efficiency, Quality and Consumer Satisfaction in Healthcare and Welfare, 1-1. STAPRO, Praha 2007.
8. * G. Scarpa, Michal Haindl, J. Zerubia: Hierarchical Finite-State Modeling for Texture Segmentation with Application to Forest Classification. Rapport de recherche 6066. Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Sophia Antipolis 2006.   Download
9. * J. Meseth, P. Degener, R. Klein, Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, Petr Somol: Texture Synthesis on Surfaces. Research Report 2141. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005.
10. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, Petr Somol: Texturing Library - Reference Manual. Research Report 2142. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005.
11. * Michal Haindl, Stanislava Šimberová: Restoration of Multitemporal Short-Exposure Astronomical Images. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005.
12. * Petr Somol, Michal Haindl: Novel Path Search Algorithm for Image Stitching and Advanced Texture Tiling. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005.
13. * Michal Haindl, M. Hatka: A Roller - Fast Sampling-Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005.
14. * Petr Somol, Michal Haindl: Texture Tiling and Patching with a Novel Path Search Algorithm for Quick and Realistic Texture Synthesis. Research Report 2122. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2004.
15. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, Petr Somol, Vojtěch Havlíček: RealReflect Library - Reference Manual. Research Report 2121. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2004.
16. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, Petr Somol: Advances in BTF Modelling. Research Report 2119. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2004.
17. * J. Meseth, G. Müller, R. Klein, Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, Petr Somol, Pavel Žid: Specification and Prototype Description of Texture Mapping and Synthesis. Research Report 2107. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2004.
18. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, Petr Somol, J. Meseth: BTF Parametric Database. Research Report 2090. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2003.
19. * Michal Haindl, R. Klein, Jiří Filip, Petr Somol, J. Meseth: Specification and Prototype Description of BTF Database and Model. Research Report 2076. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2003.
20. * Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip, Petr Somol: Specification and Prototype Description of Texture Model. Research Report 2075. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2002.
21. * Michal Haindl: Markovian Image Models. Habilitation Thesis. 2001.
22. * Michal Haindl, J. Filip: A Fast Model-Based Restoration of Colour Movie Scratches. Research Report 2031. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2001.
23. * Jiří Grim, Michal Haindl: A Monospectral Probabilistic Discrete Mixture Texture Model. Research Report 2018. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2001.
24. * Jiří Grim, Michal Haindl: A mixture-based colour texture model. Abstract. Recent Developments in Mixture Modelling. Abstracts, 58. Universität der Bundeswehr, Hamburg 2001.
25. * Michal Haindl: Recursive Square-Root Filters. Research Report 1980. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2000.
26. * Michal Haindl: Markovian Image Models. DrSc. Dissertation. 1999.
27. * Michal Haindl: Image Restoration. Research Report 1967. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999.
28. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Scene Segmentation III. Research Report 1966. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999.
29. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Texture Synthesis II. Research Report 1965. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999.
30. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Texture Mapping II. Research Report 1962. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999.
31. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček, Pavel Žid: Shape and Texture Data Fusion II. Research Report 1958. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999.
32. * Michal Haindl: Texture Mapping. Research Report 1942. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1998.
33. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Scene Segmentation II. Research Report 1944. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1998.
34. * Michal Haindl: Shape and Texture Data Fusion. Research Report 1941. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1998.
35. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Texture Synthesis. Research Report 1943. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1998.
36. * Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid: Scene Segmentation. Research Report 1940. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1997.
37. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Prototype Implementation of the Texture Analysis Objects. Research Report 1939. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1997.
38. * Michal Haindl, Vojtěch Havlíček: Texture Analysis. Research Report 1938. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1997.
39. * Michal Haindl, Stanislav Saic: Automatická analýza kožních útvarů. Research Report 1871. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1996.
40. * Michal Haindl: Multimedia Synchronization. Research Report R9538. CWI, Amsterdam 1995.
41. * Michal Haindl, M. M. de Ruiter: The MADE Help System. Research Report R9528. CWI, Amsterdam 1995.
42. * Michal Haindl: An Adaptive Image Reconstruction Method. Research Report R9537. CWI, Amsterdam 1994.
43. * Michal Haindl: MIA - release 1990. ÚTIA ČSAV, Praha 1990.
44. * Michal Haindl: Transputer parallel programs description. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne 1990.
45. * Michal Haindl: Kosmická data typu SPOT. ÚTIA ČSAV, Praha 1989.
46. * Michal Haindl: Linear Transformed Space Equivalence for the Bayesian Classifier Family. ÚTIA ČSAV, Praha 1989.

Miscellaneous (2)

1. * Michal Haindl, J. Kittler, F. Roli: International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems /7./.
2. * Michal Haindl: Multiple Classifier Systems.