Publication details

Journal Article

Convolutional neural network exploiting pixel surroundings to reveal hidden features in artwork NIR reflectograms

Karella Tomáš, Blažek Jan, Striová J.

: Journal of Cultural Heritage vol.58, p. 186-198

: GA21-03921S, GA ČR, StrategieAV21/1, AV ČR

: Signal separation, Concealed features visualization, Artwork analysis, Infrared reflectography, Convolutional neural networks

: 10.1016/j.culher.2022.09.022


(eng): Near-infrared reflectography (NIR) is a well-established non-invasive and non-contact imaging technique. The NIR methods are able to reveal concealed layers of artwork, such as a painter’s sketch or repainted canvas. The information obtained may be helpful to historians for studying artist technique, attributing an artwork reconstructing faded details. Our research presents the improved method previously developed that reveals the hidden features by removing the information content of the visible spectrum from\nNIR. Based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), our model estimates the transfer function from visible spectra to NIR, which is nonlinear and specific for painting materials. Its parameters are learnt for particular paintings on the subsamples randomly selected across the canvas, and the model is further utilised to enhance the whole artwork. In addition to the previously developed model, our algorithm exploits each pixel’s surroundings to estimate its NIR response. This leads to more precise results and increased robustness to various noises. We demonstrate higher accuracy than the previous method on the historical paintings mock-ups and higher performance on well-known artworks such as Madonna dei Fusi attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.

: JC

: 20206