Conference Paper (international conference)
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: Modelling for Engineering & Human Behaviour 2021, p. 111-116
: Mathematical Modelling Conference in Engineering & Human Behaviour 2021, (Valencia, ES, 20210714)
: supply chain risks, uncertainty, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making
(eng): Managing supply chain risks (SCRs) has become an increasingly strategic key factor over the last decade, aimed at pursuing and maintaining business success. These types of risks clearly pose an important challenge to managers nowadays, and evaluating uncertainty affecting business scenarios is crucial. Indeed, COVID-19 has been dangerously affecting supply chains of global manufacturers, and is indicated as a main trigger cause of supply chain disruptions for a huge number of enterprises. Major effects derived from epidemic outbreaks on supply chains should be further adequately investigated since enterprises have been adopting poor risk management plans [1] to face them. Many companies, for instance, have been assuming a passive attitude towards the management of pandemic effects, simply waiting for the situation to come back to normality at hopefully short notice. On the other side, those companies that are more proactively reacting to the pandemic have been encountering countless difficulties in implementing risk management plans at operational levels [2].
: BA
: 10102