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Prototype, methodology, f. module, software

Trenz TEBF0808 + TE0808-04-6EB21A SoMI2C Communication with NUCLEOSTM32H753

Kohout Lukáš

: ( 2021)

: 8A19009, GA MŠk

: microcontroller, STM32Hx, I2C communication


(eng): A quick guide describing steps to establish a basic I2C communication between Trenz Electronic TE0808 HW platform (TEBF0808 carrier board with Trenz Electronic TE0808-04-6EB21A System on Module) and ST NUCLEO-144 board with STM32H753 device. The procedure has been tested on PC running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

: JC

: 20206