Journal Article
: IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems vol.52, 4 (2022), p. 2110-2120
: LTC18075, GA MŠk
: dynamic decsion making, uncertainty, relative entropy, approximation, merging, extension
(eng): Approximation, extension and merging of probability distributions support inductive reasoning. They serve to modelling, knowledge and preference elicitation as well as to a soft cooperation within various decision-making (DM) scenarios. The theory dubbed as fully probabilistic design of DM strategies unifies the design of these operations on distributions. The unification decreases a danger of their improper choice and use. Still there is an uncertainty how the gained tools should be wielded. The paper diminishes it by spelling out conditions ruling their exploitation. The paper serves as an updated description of these tools, provides examples of their use and guides their tailoring to diverse scenarios.
: BD
: 20205