Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Coral Reef annotation, localisation and pixel-wise classification using Mask R-CNN and Bag of Tricks

Picek L., Říha A., Zita Aleš

: CEUR Workshop Proceedings : Volume 2696. Working Notes of CLEF 2020 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, 83

: CLEF 2020, (Thessaloniki, GR, 20200922)

: LO1506, GA MŠk

: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Instance Segmentation


(eng): This article describes an automatic system for detection, classification and segmentation of individual coral substrates in underwater images. The proposed system achieved the best performances in both tasks of the second edition of the ImageCLEFcoral competition. Specifically, mean average precision with Intersection over Union (IoU) greater then 0.5 (mAP@0.5) of 0.582 in case of Coral reef image annotation and localisation, and mAP@0.5 of 0.678 in Coral reef image pixel-wise parsing. The system is based on Mask R-CNN object detection and instance segmentation framework boosted by advanced training strategies, pseudo-labeling, test-time augmentations, and Accumulated Gradient Normalisation. To support future research, code has been made available at:

: JD

: 20204