Conference Paper (international conference)
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: Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications (IWMMA’2017), p. 94-99
: 6th International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications (IWMMA’2017), (Krasnojarsk, RU, 20171113)
: 7H14004, GA MŠk
: Zynq, FPGA, touchscreen display, camera, full HD, SDSoC
(eng): The present paper describes an FPGA design of a camera-to-touchscreen demonstrator that has been prepared using Xilinx Vivado 2015.2 and SDK 2015.2 tools. The demonstrator consists of MicorZed 7020 Carrier Board, Avnet 7-inch Zed Touch Display and Avnet Toshiba Industrial 1080P60 Camera Module. The camera transmits a full HD video signal at 60 frames per seconds to MicroZed 7020 board, which processes it and sends to the LCD display with active area of 800x480 pixels. As the display has smaller resolution, only a fragment of the whole video frame can be seen at once on the display, whereas the full image is stored in the memory. By touching the screen one can travel along the stored video frame and look through the whole image. The design can be used, for example, as a car rear view mirror monitor benefiting from touchscreen technologies.
: JC
: 20206