Journal Article
: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.55, 4 (2014), p. 1072-1092
: GA13-20012S, GA ČR, GA102/09/1278, GA ČR
: Bayesian networks, Probabilistic inference, Candecomp-Parafac tensor decomposition, Symmetric tensor rank
(eng): The specification of conditional probability tables (CPTs) is a difficult task in the construction of probabilistic graphical models. Several types of canonical models have been proposed to ease that difficulty. Noisy-threshold models generalize the two most popular canonical models: the noisy-or and the noisy-and. When using the standard inference techniques the inference complexity is exponential with respect to the number of parents of a variable. More efficient inference techniques can be employed for CPTs that take a special form. CPTs can be viewed as tensors. Tensors can be decomposed into linear combinations of rank-one tensors, where a rank-one tensor is an outer product of vectors. Such decomposition is referred to as Canonical Polyadic (CP) or CANDECOMP-PARAFAC (CP) decomposition. The tensor decomposition offers a compact representation of CPTs which can be efficiently utilized in probabilistic inference.
: JD