Publication details

Journal Article

An unconventional adaptation of a classical Gaussian plume dispersion scheme for the fast assessment of external irradiation from a radioactive cloud

Pecha Petr, Pechová E.

: Atmospheric Environment vol.89, 6 (2014), p. 298-308

: VG20102013018, GA MV

: external irradiation, photon fluence, data assimilation

: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.01.007


(eng): Derivation of an effective algorithm for the fast estimation of cloudshine doses/dose rates induced by a large mixture of radionuclides discharged into the atmosphere. Special modification of the classical Gaussian plume approach is proposed for approximation of the near-field dispersion problem. . An efficient approach is introduced for treatment of a wide range of energetic spectrum of the emitted photons when the usual multi-nuclide approach is replaced by a new multi-group scheme. The proposed procedure is predetermined such as a proper tool for online data assimilation analysis in the near-field areas.

: DL