Conference Paper (international conference)
, , , ,
: Proceedings of the SPIE Europe International Symposium Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, p. 264-273 , Eds: Carmona R., Linan-Cembrano G.
: SPIE Europe International Symposium, (Sevilla, ES, 09.05.2005-11.05.2005)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: GA102/04/0155, GA ČR, GA202/05/0242, GA ČR
: multifocus image fusion, wavelets
(eng): A key term in image fusion is the "decision map" (DM). This map determines which information to take and at what place. Multifocus fusion deals with a stack of images acquired for different focus points. The DM is related to the depth map here. Accuracy of the DM is critical not only for image fusion itself, but also for a surface reconstruction. We propose to use information about image edges for increasing the accuracy of the DM and for enhancing in this way wavelet-based fusion.
(cze): Je popsána fúze multifokálních dat, která používá orientovaná okna k dosažení přesnějších výsledků.
: 09K
: BD