Conference Paper (Czech conference)
: WDS '03 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, p. 221-225 , Eds: Šafránková J.
: MFF UK, (Praha 2003)
: Week of Doctoral Students 2003. WDS'03, (Praha, CZ, 10.06.2003-13.06.2003)
: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
: IST-2001-34744, Commission EC, IAA2075302, GA AV ČR
: texture, unsupervised segmentation, Markov random fields
(eng): An efficient and robust type of unsupervised multispectral texture segmentation method is presented. The algorithm starts with spectral factorization of an input multispectral texture image using the Karhunen-Loeve expansion. Monospectral factors of single texture patches are assumed to be modelled using a Gaussian Markov random field model. The texture segmentation is done by K-means algorithm in the Markov model parameter space evaluated for each pixel centered image window.
: 09K
: BD