Publication details

Conference Paper (Czech conference)

Object oriented context based recognition and GIS DB

Klimešová Dana

: Zpracování dat a matematické modelování, p. 99-103 , Eds: Vostrovský V.

: CZU PEF, (Praha 2002)

: Seminář k výzkumnému záměru, (Praha, CZ, 11.09.2002)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: geographical database, object modeling, context analysis

(eng): The contribution deals with the object oriented context based recognition and object function modelling design using spatial data. The paper gives the frame for the object hierarchy of classes and proposes the ways of structures changing based on the relationships and behaviour modelling. GIS architecture is open to incorporate new requirements of knowledge-based analysis and modelling, namely in connection with web designed spatial databases.

: 09K

: BC