Conference Paper (international conference)
: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, p. 2841-2844
: IEEE, (Orlando 2002)
: ICASSP 2002, (Orlando, US, 13.05.2002-17.05.2002)
: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
: GA102/01/0021, GA ČR
: acoustical signal processing, array signal processing, Cramer-Rao bound
(eng): This paper develops new quasi-Bayesian statistical models for the geometric deformation of a nominally linear towed array, based on rigorous fluid mechanics. The model accounts for the towing vessel's temporally correlated motion and the oceanic currents' space-time correlated behavior. The result is a correlation matrix of the sensor array transversal displacement, which can be used for Bayessian auto-calibration DOA estimation techniques, or to evaluate the best achievable DOA estimation accuracy.
: 12B
: BB