Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

A dynamic food-chain algorithm for estimation of migration of radionuclides through living enviroment continuously influenced by the routine atmospheric discharges from nuclear power plants

Pecha Petr, Pechová E.

: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Environmental Impact Assessment , Eds: Bálek R.

: CTU, (Prague 2000)

: EIA /4./, (Prague, CZ, 11.09.2000-14.09.2000)

: AV0Z1075907


(eng): The paper describes a new approach for modelling of radionuclide transport through the food chains when initial atmospheric discharges are analysed during their transport into the human body. The ecosystem surrounding the nuclear power plant is assumed to be continuously submerged into contaminated environment where the customary agricultural practices are assumed to be applied. Root and foliar activity uptake into plants is modelled.

: 03E

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