Publication details

Journal Article

DSS and GIS in Knowledge Transformation Process

Klimešová Dana, Brožová H.

: Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science vol.2, 1 (2009), p. 1-15

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: Tacit and explicit knowledge, SECI model, Operations Research, Management Science Models

(eng): A Decision Support Systems are an interactive computer-based systems helping decision makers complete decision process. Geographic Information Systems provide essential marketing and customer intelligence solutions that lead to better business decisions. Operational Research and Management Science (OR/MS) is methodology based on system theory and theory of modelling. The OR/MS models serve for better quantification and precision of decision-making process. In this contribution the role of DSS, GIS and OR/MS models in the process of knowledge creation will be explained. The tacit or explicit character of this knowledge and the process of its creation will be explained and discussed.

(cze): DSS a GIS jsou počítačově orientované systémy usnadňující rozhodování. Článek se zabývá úlohou těchto systémů v procesu vytváření a transformace znalostí.

: BD