Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Detection and Description of Geometrically Transformed Digital Images

Mahdian Babak, Saic Stanislav

: Media Forensics and Security (Proceedings of Spie), p. 1-9

: Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, (San Jose, US, 19.01.2009-21.01.2009)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA102/08/0470, GA ČR

: Image forensics, digital forgery, forgery detection, resampling detection

: and description of geometrically transformed digital images.pdf

(eng): Geometric transformations such as scaling or rotation are common tools employed by forgery creators. These procedures are typically based on a resampling and interpolation step. The interpolation process brings specific periodic properties into the image. In this paper, we show how to detect these properties. Our aim is to detect all possible geometric transformations in the image being investigated. Furthermore, as the proposed method, as well as other existing detectors, is sensitive to noise, we also briefly show a simple method capable of detecting image noise inconsistencies. Noise is a common tool used to conceal the traces of tampering.

(cze): Geometrické transformace jsou běžným prostředkem padělatelů digitálních fotografií. Tyto postupy jsou založeny na převzorkování a interpolaci.Interpolace přináší do obrazu periodické vlastnosti. Naším cílem je detekovat všechny možné geometrické transformace ve zkoumaném obraze. Pozornost je také věnována dtekci šumových vlastností obrazu

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