Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

AVR core supported dynamic reconfiguration

Honzík Petr

: POSTER 2004. Proceedings of the 8th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, p. 1-5 , Eds: Husník L., Lhotská L.

: International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. POSTER 2004 /8./, (Praha, CZ, 20.05.2004)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: IST-2001-34016, Commission EC

: dynamic reconfiguration, FPGA, AVR core

(eng): This paper presents a software core for an universal econfiguration system-on-a-programmable chip platform based on Atmel AT94K FPSLIC with an external FLASH memory. The AVR core controls basic functions that together with the FPSLIC platform creates a transparent infrastructure for software-driven FPGA reconfiguration.

(cze): Tento text presentuje univerzální platformu s externí FLASH pamětí pro dynamickou rekonfiguraci na obvodu AT94K FPSLIC od firmy Atmel. Platforma vytváří transparentní infrastrukturu pro softwarově řízenou dynamickou rekonfiguraci na FPGA

: 09G, 09H

: JC