Publication details

Conference Paper (Czech conference)

Thoughts on belief and model revision with uncertain evidence

Vomlel Jiří

: Znalosti 2004. Sborník příspěvků 3.ročníku konference, p. 126-137

: Znalosti 2004 /3./, (Brno, CZ, 22.02.2004-25.02.2004)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: GA201/02/1269, GA ČR

: probabilistic models, Bayesian networks, belief revision

(eng): Bayesian networks and other graphical probabilistic models became a popular framework for reasoning with uncertainty. Efficient methods have been developed for revising beliefs with new evidence. However, when the evidence is uncertain, i.e. represented by a probability distribution, different methods have been proposed. In this paper we analyze and compare these methods. The goal is to show in what cases they can be used correctly.

: 12B, 09N

: BD