Conference Paper (international conference)
, , ,
: Proccedings of the 15th European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO 2007, p. 1731-1735
: EUSIPCO 2007: The 15th European Signal Processing Conference, (Poznan, PL, 03.09.2007-07.09.2007)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: 1M0572, GA MŠk, GP102/07/P384, GA ČR, GA102/05/0278, GA ČR
: Blind source separation, multidimensional independent components, FCOMBI
(eng): In this article we propose a computationally efficient method (termed FCOMBI) to combine the strengths of non-Gaussianity based blind source separation (BSS) and cross-correlation-based BSS. This is done by fusing the separtion abilities of two well known algorithms: EFICA and WASOBI. The algorithm is suitable for the analysis of very high-dimensional datasets like high-density Electroencephalogram or Magnetoencephalogram recordings.
(cze): V clanku je navrzen vypocetne nenarocny algoritmus, ktery kombinuje schopnosti slepe separace dvou odlisnych algorimu: EFICA, ktery vyuziva ne-gaussovskosti rozlozeni jednotlivych separovanych zdroju, a WASOBI, ktery vyuziva rozdilnosti frekvencnich spekter jednotlivych zdroju. Algoritmus je vhodny pro analyzu mnohadimensionalnich dat z elektroencefalogramu a magnetoencefaloogramu s vysokym rozlisenim.
: FH