Conference Paper (international conference)
: Proceedings of the IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, p. 345-350
: IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, (Dortmund, DE, 06.09.2007-08.09.2007)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: 1ET100750401, GA AV ČR, 1F43A/003/120, GA MDS, GP201/06/P434, GA ČR
: state-space model, state estimation, urban traffic control, factorized filtering
(eng): The paper deals with the factorized version of the Kalman filtering. The global aim of research is to make possible to estimate the entries of the state vector individually and thereby to approach to handling the mixed-typed states, which still remains the open problem. The present paper continues a sequence of research in the field of factorized filtering and demonstrates its use with the urban traffic system model, which is the main application area. Two illustrative examples are presented.
(cze): Článek se zabývá faktorizovaným Kalmanovým filtrem. Globálním cílem celého výzkumu je odhadování individuálních faktorů stavového vektoru. Článek ukazuje využití faktorizovaného filtru s modelem dopravního systému. Dva ilustrační příklady jsou uvedené.
: BB